
Help Your Property Manager Clients Beat the Heat!

There is a widespread, dangerous heat wave to expand across most of the U.S.! With the hottest temperatures of the season set to arrive within the next few weeks, it is important to for your property manager clients to prepare themselves and their buildings! Extreme heat can stress property management assets beyond their limits. There are a few tips that Property Managers and their tenants can practice to minimize damages as well unplanned repair costs. Encourage them to identify potential problems before they become costly repairs.

The Grey Area Just Got Smaller For Real Estate Accounts

Effective April of 2017, ISO has filed revisions to the Limitation of Coverage to Designated Premises, Project or Operations endorsement.  Due to ever broadening court interpretation, the revision no longer includes the language “and operations necessary or incidental to those premises”.  This change aims to remove ambiguity and to limit coverage to the described location, …

The Grey Area Just Got Smaller For Real Estate Accounts Read More »

Halloween Ideas for Condominiums, Coops and Apartment Buildings

The holidays are a great excuse for your property manager clients to engage with their tenants in a much more relaxed manner than speaking to them at board meetings or general trips to the office.  Halloween can be considered the unofficial start to the holiday season!  Here are a few things your property manager clients …

Halloween Ideas for Condominiums, Coops and Apartment Buildings Read More »

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