Why Commercial Umbrella Insurance is So Important

A customer slips on the wet floor in a strip mall and injures herself, breaking her hip. Is your client prepared for the financial hardship that can ensue from this accident on their property if they do not have a commercial umbrella policy in place?
  • A person visiting an apartment complex trips and falls in the parking lot due to accumulation of snow or ice, and requires surgery for a broken wrist and nerve damage.
  • A woman is sexually assaulted in the laundry room of an apartment complex due to an unsecured back door.
  • A commercial tenant repeatedly tells the management company about a leaking pipe, but the pipe is never repaired, eventually breaks and floods the tenant’s space, ruining a $5-million Picasso.
These are examples of real-life scenarios that property owners and community associations can face.

New Empire Group’s Eagle Umbrella program is specifically designed for exposures like these, providing high commercial umbrella limits at an affordable price.

According to Marisa Vutrano, Commercial Umbrella Supervisor at New Empire Group, Ltd., “The umbrella coverage protects insureds when they suffer unexpected catastrophic losses that exceed their primary policy limits. Our umbrella team is staffed with educated underwriters who know the product very well. We pride ourselves on our customer service and strive to meet our clients’ needs with the ability to provide fast turnaround on any submission.”

Without adequate commercial umbrella insurance, your clients will be obligated to pay out of pocket for the damages that exceed the limits of their underlying primary business coverage.

New Empire Group’s Eagle Umbrella program has high limit options for Community Associations, Cooperatives, Condominium Associations, Homeowners Associations as well as Commercial Lessor’s Risk Only.  Through our program, the above mentioned parties have access to these high limit options at very affordable premiums not available in the standard market.  Coverage is provided through the nation’s top carriers on an admitted basis in all states.

Talk to any of our knowledgeable associates about our commercial umbrella program, it could be the key to preserving your client’s company in the event of a serious claim.

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